Rough patches will cause you to occasionally think that your goals will never happen. This has been my experience for the past 2 weeks, feeling defeated. The change of eating contributes to it, but mostly it’s been other things. I’m sure that “things” are responsible for many a lost goal of broken dream.
When a storm is brewing, there's nowhere to hide |
I wished I was in a better place in my head, I wished that life would not interfere with my journey, but what kind of journey would it be if it were always easy. I can totally relate to Langston “life for me ain’t been no crystal stair”, he certainly hit the nail on the head; my life has always been a series of challenges. I have never had the great pleasure of just relaxing and enjoying my time in the sun, because with every bit of sunshine, there was almost a guarantee of rain coming very soon afterward.
I have always wondered how it would feel to have everything you ever wanted, to have things always go your way, to never have a doubt that you will have great fortune, what must that feel like? I wished someone would write a book about that sort of charmed life so that I could live vicariously through them if nothing else. I’ve never had it easy, never been able to rest on my laurels, because there weren’t any, never had a situation go right the first time, there has always been a hurdle, a challenge, a delay etc. I’ve heard that it “builds character” to have your life take so many dips and dives, but it can also make you very weary. I am weary.
So I’m making due with trying to change my life all while living my life, difficulties and all and despite everything, 2 pounds are gone. Gone for good? Probably not, but at least they took a vacation on someone else’s butt for now.